Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Is Firecrackers Harmful to the Environment?

Firecrackers bursting is a resemblance of joy and fun. There’s no that much big harm caused by the fireworks. Fireworks bursting is a common and traditional activity done during Diwali. But many people are rising with thoughts like banning of fireworks during Diwali. That is because Diwali is the only day on which lakhs and lakhs of crackers are being burst. Here, in this post, you will be finding out the reasons to ban fireworks and also the reasons for not to burn fireworks. Just scroll down to get the detailed explanation on the issue of the ban on fireworks.

Diwali – Celebration of Victory

Diwali is a cultural festival of lights. Glorious sparkles will be found everywhere. According to Hindu Mythology, Diwali is celebrated for the victory of Krishna over Naragaasuran (demon). That is, it is the day on which the bad evil got vanished away. Hence, we celebrate that historical day with lots of happiness. Everywhere people will burst out with laughter to express their fun. Diwali is the significance of India and its holy tradition. Clothes and sweets add even more beauty to the occasion. Fireworks are the major constituents of Diwali celebration.
Safety and security also account during the Diwali enjoyment. Keeping that in mind, you should keep your surroundings and yourself safe. Another major thing which comes to mind is Unity among family. All the relations will assemble together to enhance their joy. Diwali only brings unity and happiness among family.

Why say ‘No’ to Firecrackers?

In recent days, a few unwanted speeches are booming here and there. The major talk is all about bursting of Fire Crackers during Diwali.  Many socialists and few other common persons are opposing the burst of fireworks. The reason they say is a very uncommon thought among Indian people. Can you guess what? They say that the shattering of fireworks during Diwali causes harm to the environment. The smoke from the fireworks causes spoilage of green plants’ life is the talk. It is said that the smoke from fireworks is creating pollution to the environment. this news is virally spreading all over Tamil Nadu. Also, cases are filed in court regarding the banning of firework lightening during Diwali. Few of the effects which are pointed are as follows

Fireworks pollute Atmospheric Air

Air is one of the five elements of the Mother Nature. While bursting crackers, the smoke of hazardous gasses flies up into the air. This makes the air impure and pollutes it. The pollution spoils about 50% of the air purity. Humidity in the air also gets lessened. Moreover, spreads more harmful poisonous gasses into the atmosphere. When people smoke those gasses, they get affected severely. Also, many diseases try to catch people easily with the hazards. Exploding items like bombs and burster create more and more smoke which spoils the entire area. Some people are polluting the nature by hanging firecrackers on trees. By doing that, the living tree gets affected.  Firecrackers bring the problem to human as well as nature.

Noise Pollution

The noise primarily gives irritation to many people. During Diwali, there will be burst of firecrackers all around and hence it produces more sound. Especially fireworks like Atom bomb create boom sound that threatens people. Many heart patients and old age people are living everywhere. If they are put in this bad situation, it creates serious health issues. So, in order to prevent such problems, a common solution was found. The Government of India ordered not to burst firecrackers after 10 PM at night. This has been in practice for the past four to five years. Even after the Supreme Court result, many are trying to burst at night. That thoroughly disturbs the people who are asleep. Fireworks create a massive noise pollution.

Heating Up of Earth’s Atmosphere – Global Warming

Global Warming is a major issue which is identified in the recent years. Due to the heavy global warming, even ozone layer depletion has occurred. Can you imagine which made way to Global warming? It is us who made the earth cry. Global warming is nothing but the heating of Earth’s Atmosphere. A major cause of global warming is hazardous gas release into the atmosphere. Fireworks are blow up and damage the purity of air. Also, the gases will make the nature weak and even causes death. The death of many trees will lead to the increase of Earth’s temperature. That eventually lead to the ozone depletion and enhanced the global warming. Fireworks are contributing more to the Global warming with its dangerous smokes.

Fire Accidents Are More Common

Catching fire is very easy. A single spark can clean up the whole city. Only the materials and gases which can catch fire should be kept out of reach easily. One such material is the Firecracker. Firecrackers are fired during many occasions. But Diwali is one big function where a huge usage of Firecrackers. Eco-friendly fireworks are very rare. During Diwali, one hot news that will be heard here and there are fire accidents. Fireworks can catch fire within a second. So, to be careful is really very important. Fire accidents are increasing every year during Diwali. Even in this month of October, there is a big fire accident at Sivakasi which killed 8 people and injured many people. Fire accidents are heard before Diwali itself. It is expected that the Fire accidents increase extremely during Diwali.

Garbage – Wastes of Fireworks

Waste disposal is really a necessary act for every family. Not only a family but also in every place where human work, wastes are common. Biodegradable and non-Biodegradable wastes are separately collected and processed in our country. Plastic is one of the most dangerous wastes which can even kill people. It won’t degrade but can be reused. Plastic combined with fire is very bad for health. With this bad scenario, already people are getting affected more. Adding to that, Fireworks are also creating its own issue. Only during Diwali season, Firework bursting is very high. Thus, too many garbage wastes will be piled up all over. These garbage wastes are very bad and also damages the cleanliness of the environment. More garbage with more fireworks is also one of the problems.
Considering all the above points, people say that Fireworks should be banned in India. Also, Fireworks are the major pollutants of the environment and hence has to be considered seriously. These are the lines which always arise during Diwali season. Even some speak throughout the year about the banning of fireworks during Diwali. Another line which they say is , “Diwali can be celebrated well with family rather than using Firecrackers”. On the whole, Diwali is a day of celebration and it does not depend on any crackers for that is what they say all about.

Fireworks – Not The Major Cause Of Danger To The Environment

Generally, when we think about an action we need to think both the good and the bad. Keeping only the bad things will always guide us to the wrong way. It is completely wrong to show attitude in these things. Care towards environment rises only during Diwali for some people. Actually, Diwali is not only a day of celebration, it is the day of complete contentment. People rejoice in as many ways as they could during these days. Why the people worrying about nature is not caring about the people’s Happiness. A three to four days of enjoyment in burning crackers is not the only cause for all the reasons said before. It only unites and brings joyousness to the human kind. There are several other reasons which really makes the harmful to the Environment.

Is Burning of Firecrackers (fireworks) Really Causing damage to the Environment?

The banning of Fireworks during Diwali brings only little damage to the environment compared to the other causes. Considering only Diwali crackers alone is not fair. Many other issues are there which are the real villains to the environment. You can find those disgusting causes below

Automobile Gas Discharge

With the increasing trends and Technology, usage of automobiles had increased in number. Everywhere traffics are jamming the passage of moves. The emission of automobile gases has also reached great heights as a result. The Carbon monoxide gas coming out from the vehicles will spoil the atmospheric air. The pure air gets damaged a lot and thereby causes air pollution. The air we breathe has also turned to be extremely dangerous.  Taj Mahal, one of the wonders of the world, has also changed its color from bright white because of the heavy air pollution at Agra.  Automobile gas discharge is a very important cause of Global warming and ozone layer depletion. The temperature of Earth has increased by 5% compared to the last year and is expected to increase even more. Compared to this, damage of Diwali firework to the environment is very less.

Industrial Hazardous Smoke Emission

In India, Industrialization is a major accumulation everywhere. Many multinational companies, as well as industries, are growing heights in the last ten years. With the improvement of industrialization, the degradation of nature has also started. The discharges of gases from the industries are very high and they tend to mingle with the natural gas. Also, Deforestation is the only tool which was taken to develop the industries. Only if we lose one, we can gain one. That is the thing we humans are following. But for our sake, we are killing the lives of many trees. It’s really a sin to do all this. Deforestation is another major cause of global warming and thus cause damage to our Mother Earth. We are  destroying the wealth of our Mother Earth to save our lives. Compared to this bad attitude of man towards Nature, firecracker damage is very less. Kodaikanal industrial damage
One of the best examples is the Kodaikanal mercury poisoning which created a massive natural pollution. Thermometer factory was set up at Kodaikanal and mercury is its major constituent. The company was owned by Hindustan Unilever and also a part of Pond’s India before. Around 2001, many workers experienced the problem of kidney disorders.Tamil Nadu Alliance Against Mercury (TNAAC) clarified that the company disposes the mercury illegally into the environment. Keeping the nature in mind, the organization was shut down thereafter.

Festival Bursts And Natural Disposal

Apart from Diwali, Firecrackers are burnt for several functions. A simple example is the Temple festival which occurs then and there at many areas. During a temple festival, lots of crackers are burnt. That happens even for a long time of about ten days sometimes. Why are people not considering such a big event of burning crackers as a reason for natural damage? Also, the garbage burns at the roadsides happening every day causes large smoke. That smoke mixes with the atmospheric air. If the garbage contains some plastic, that when mixed with fire produces dangerous smoke. Even that smog is not considered as a cause for natural damage.
Most importantly the methane gas problem which is dangerous of all. Methane gas is the  second gas of the greenhouse effect which stands badly after carbon dioxide. Methane gas production is undergoing in many industries in India. Methane severely spoils our Mother Nature’s bounty. But Methane is considered very important and precious nowadays. Diwali Firework damage to the environment is very minute compared to all.

Diwali – A Day of Celebration And Not A Cause Of Destruction

Good or bad depends on our view. Don’t see the minor damages and look into the major advantages. Happiness with satisfaction is the feeling which we try to achieve every day. Diwali is one such day which blooms with happiness and creates a lot of fun. The bursting of fireworks is a traditional custom which has been followed for centuries together. Demolishing the tradition at once is not possible with just a word. Fireworks are just burst to express our fun and increase our happiness. Just imagine a Diwali without cracker bursts. It will be really like the same day as today with you sitting with TV or mobile to see new programs. That’s It. No Fireworks No Enjoyment during Diwali.
Fireworks are the first to be remembered when we say ‘Diwali’. Three to four days of firework usage will surely not cause a huge damage. But on the other hand, there are small amounts of destruction caused when you take the whole country. The banning of fireworks during Diwali is the necessity means you need to stop it during other festivals also. It includes the marriages, political meetings, temple festivals and so on. Think clear and be practical before you engage yourself into something.

Friday, 7 October 2016

Safety Rules to Follow on Diwali (Deepavali)

Safety Rules to Follow on Diwali (Deepavali)

Safety Rules to Follow on Diwali

Diwali is an ancient festival celebrated in India to enjoy the victory of lights. Sweets, Crackers, new Clothes are adding beauty to the festival. People used to buy crackers and burst it during the night with fun for all the five days of Diwali. But this is only the happy part but on the other hand, lots and lots of accidents had happened during Diwali. Because Most peoples may not be aware, Safety Rules to Follow on Diwali
Is it due to the carelessness of the people?
Yes, it is because many people enjoy the function, but they forget the real risks which are hidden under it.
Here are some of the safety measures that will help you to celebrate  a safe Diwali.
  • Buy new clothes, share sweets with your neighbors, family and friends happily. This will strengthen your relationship with your surroundings.
  • Buy crackers how much ever you want but they should be got from a licensed shop. Be sure to check whether the shops have license or not.
  • The crackers should be kept in a place away from water usage areas like the kitchen. If waterfalls then that will make it unfit to use.
  • The crackers should be kept in a place away from preteens.
  • On the day of Diwali, wear cotton clothing which are thick enough and also foot wears. This they because it will not get fired soon and avoid wearing loose outfits in order to have comfort and convenience.
  • While igniting the crackers, have in mind that the matchsticks, incense sticks or sparklers should be kept two to three feet away from your face and body.
Safety Rules to Follow on Diwali Bursting Crackers
    • As soon as crackers are lighted, you should get a few meters away from it so that the sparks of fire will not harm your eyes or body.
    • While burning some fireworks, the others should be surely kept closed in a box so that if any tiny spark hits it may cause a great disaster.
    • Importantly, all the enjoyment of celebration should happen in an open space like an open ground since in a crowd or congested places there are possibilities for the crackers to get into homes thereby causing major fire accidents.
Safety Rules to Follow on Diwali Bursting Crackers Fire Accident
  • All that sound we make should not disturb aged people and patients so it has to be stopped earlier at night.
  • After using bonkers, it should be discharged into water. If it is not done, there might be chances of anyone stamping it and getting wounds.
  • At any cause, don’t allow small infants to light fireworks since they may get harmed easily.
  • Men should avoid smoking cigarettes near the bonkers. If, by mistake, the cigarette falls down into the cracker box instead of falling onto the ground then that would make all the crackers to burn off at once making that place evil leading to a fire accident.
The above points are the most important and the mandatory safety rules to be followed by every individual who is involved in Diwali celebration. Hope you follow the rules to have a happy Diwali.

Celebration of Diwali (Deepavali) – Festival of Lights

Celebration of Diwali (Deepavali) – Festival of Lights

Celebration of Diwali

Diwali (or) Deepavali as the name indicates, it is the “festival of lights” celebrated all over India. Basically, it is a Hindu festival celebrated during autumn every year. Diwali glorifies the victory of lights. Diwali is celebrated for five solid days. It is celebrated even by other religion people with joy all over India.
During Diwali, people show their unity by having all their family members grouped together in one place. People who celebrate this festival will make sweets of different varieties. Then they wear new clothes and worship Goddess by presenting all the sweets before it. Even some people present crackers before God and do pray. The only difference is that they will worship different gods each day. All these are done to attain wealth and prosperity.
Diwali is celebrated for five days and each day has its own importance. Let us now discuss the traditions followed on each day.
Celebration of Diwali Border Security Forces
Celebration of Diwali: 1st day (Dhanteras)
The first day of a Diwali festival is called Dhanatrayodadashi or Dhanavantare Trayodasi. ‘Dhan’ means wealth and ‘tera’ means the 13th day of the month Karthikai which is the lunar day of the dark fortnight.
On the day of Dhanteras, people worship Goddess Lakshmi for providing all the wealth and well-being. As a custom, people buy precious metals like gold that day. Lord Kubera who is the god of assets is also worshipped for their prosperity.
People believe in God and they lit lamp to worship Goddess Lakshmi. By doing so, they invite DhanaLakshmi that is wealth into their houses. Prayers are done by singing devotional songs. After all the prayers, people will share the sweets which were made and presented to God, with their neighbors, friends and family. In this way, all the happiness begins.
Celebration of Diwali: 2nd day (Naraka Chaturdasi)
Also called as Roop Chaturdashi is a festival celebrated by Hindus on the second day of Diwali. The history of Diwali says that the demon Narakasura was killed by Lord Krishna and kali on those days which ultimately lead to the victory of lights.
On this day, god is prayed with flowers and delicacies. In Tamilnadu, the second day is celebrated as actual Diwali whereas in other states of India, it is on the new moon night. On that day, people will get up early in the morning, take oil baths, do poojas and burst crackers.
Celebration of Diwali: 3rd day (Diwali)
Except for Tamilnadu, all the other states celebrate this day as actual Diwali. People will get up early, take oil baths and fill all their pathways with rangoli. All the people wear new clothes and worship Goddess Lakshmi. The delicacies they offer to God are made up of rice which is taken from the recent harvest. In Tamilnadu, they celebrate Diwali for 3 days or maximum up to 4 days.
Celebration of Diwali Satelite Images
Celebration of Diwali: 4th day
This day is dedicated to the relationship between the family members especially between a wife and a husband. They make and break the family. Mutual understanding, care and sharing are the important aspects between the husband and wife. Such beautiful values are given respect and the bond between them is shown off on that day.
Celebration of Diwali: 5th day (BHAU – BEEJ)
Bhau-Beej is a festival celebrated on this day by Hindus in the northern part of India and also in Nepal. The celebrations on this day are like Raksha Bandhan which is celebrated to show the bonding between a brother and a sister. Girls, whether they are having the brother or not, will tie the band to the boys they think as brothers. The contrast to Raksha Bandhan here is that sisters will present gifts to their brothers. This festival is celebrated because according to Hindu Mythology after the demon was assassinated by Lord Krishna, he visited his sister Subhadra. She applied tilak on Krishna’s forehead. Following this, girls celebrating this day also apply tilak on their brother’s forehead.
In this manner, Diwali is celebrated all over India. Not only the Indians in India alone celebrate it but also the Indians all the parts of the world celebrate it with joy.
Celebration of Diwali - Happy Diwali
Happy Diwali, Read the post Safety Rules to Follow on Diwali to have a safe Diwali.

Diwali in Various Parts of India

Diwali in Various Parts of India

Diwali in Various Parts of India

Diwali is basically an ancient Hindu festival celebrated for five days all over India. But the way in which it is celebrated differs from one state to another. Also, according to the type of religion it varies. So, let us now see how this festival of lights is celebrated at different states of India.
In Tamilnadu, people use to enjoy Diwali with pleasure and happiness. Here they celebrate this festival for three days. On the first day, they celebrate Dhanteras through which they invite goddess Lakshmi into their homes. On the second day, the day when demon Narakasura was killed by Lord Krishna was celebrated as actual Diwali. People buy crackers, new clothes and make sweets which they present before God to praise them. Also sharing of the sweets they made to their neighbours, friends and family. Then during night everybody burst bonkers in order to express their happiness. The third day is also followed by continuity the same celebration. Everything is done to attain wealth and prosperity.
Diwali in Various Parts of India - Tamil Nadu
Kannada people have special importance to Diwali. They usually celebrate the festival on the first and third days of the function. They call this festival as Ashwin Krishna Chaturdashi. It was named so because this marks the celebration of the death of the cruel demon. It was believed that lord Krishna took oil bath after he killed the asura(demon). So, people also follow the same by taking oil bath and they will worship the goddess, Lakshmi. This celebration denotes the change of darkness to light.
The third day is called as Bali padyami for kannadigas. On that day, women will put rangoli all over the pathways as like in the previous two days. They clean their houses, mop it and fill the entire house with spiritual fragrance by using agarbathis. This day is dedicated for the remembrance of king Bali. Then followed by thulasi pooja.
When we come to Maharastra Hindu and Jain people celebrate Diwali for all the five days with lots of fun and love. In their custom and traditions, they start with the first festival called Vasubaras. On this day, they will wash and decorate their cows and take aarthi to them as well as its calf followed by applying tilaks on the forehead of them. This is done in regards to symbolise the mother and baby relationship. Then as in the case with actual Diwali they will make sweets, worship goddess Lakshmi and distribute sweets among everyone they please. Diwali is empty without illuminating the dark night with different colours of fireworks. Enjoyment continues on the last day.
The customs followed in Maharastra is mostly followed in many other parts of North India like Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan and few other states of North India.
Diwali in Various Parts of India - Maharastra Vasubaras
People of the West Bengal celebrate Diwali for all the five days. They too celebrate Diwali for the denouement of demon Narakasura by Mahakali. They all believe more in goddess kali. So, they make sweets and offers it to kalidevi in accordance to enjoy the victory. The five-day function covers the dark skies into colourful skies with beautiful lights of crackers.
In Orissa, they celebrate Diwali by worshipping goddess Lakshmi in a different way. Here they show their love and gratitude towards their ancestors who they believe to be in heaven by doing tarpan for them. Tarpan means to do poojas to them for their souls to attain peace (Shanthi). These tarpans are made up of rice, jaggery, water, etc. The tarpans are also offered to goddess Lakshmi in some areas. Whereas in some areas of Orissa, tarpans are presented to god kali. The celebration happens in this way.
There is a similar type of  celebration taking place as in other states, but the here narration of the story of Lord Krishna who killed a demon was done musically through songs. Hence to enhance the beauty of Diwali, idols of Sathya Bama are kept and offered prayers. Sathyabama was lord Krishna’s consort. Apart from the above happenings, all the other customs are same.
A celebration of Diwali starts first in Gujarat before commencing in all other states. They also celebrate this function for five days. Diwali falls at the beginning of Gujarati new year. Since it falls on that auspicious day, there is a double enlightenment for Gujarati people. The celebration starts with Dhanteras followed by Naraka Chaturdashi and ends with Bhai beej.
Mannerism in which Diwali celebration takes place may differ, but the main theme is an enjoyment of festival with lights. Diwali not only take people to the happiness like in heaven but also make our mother nature very beautiful and glorious.

Diwali Festival Crackers Gift box for a Family

Diwali Festival Crackers Gift box for a Family

Diwali Crackers Gift box for a Family

Crackers Gift Box is a package for a family or a general group. It is available as a wholesale or an individual pack. Instead of buying crackers one by one for any occasion it can be got as a single package containing all the crackers in one bag. Now let us see how it is done and when all these started to happen?
Diwali Festival Crackers Gift box for a Family - Gift Pack
History of Crackers
Crackers or fireworks are made up of gunpowder, papers, paperboards, tubes and cotton threads inside it which are bulging out so as to light it. The making of firecracker started with China in the 7th century. That is the period when people invented gunpowder’s for blasting. That eventually lead to the development of crackers for celebrating their cultural festivals. The crackers are first invented for ground firing then they started to blow it into air also. That was called to be rockets. The main inspiration for the invention of rockets is their belief. They believed that bursting of fireworks would get them away from bad spirits and evil happenings. Thus leading to glory and wealth of the country.
Following that many other countries began to start inventing different types of fireworks depending on their creativity. Their innovation was tremendous and magnanimous. After few centuries it became the tradition for most of the countries to light crackers and burst it with fun. This is how the fireworks came into human life.
Are There Varieties Available with Fireworks?
Yes, it is Cracker means a thing which is designed to burst out with loud sound. It is referred as cracker since it cracks out of an enclosed box with papers congested in it. Generally, crackers are of different sizes and shapes. The differentiation is also based on the type of bursting it undergoes. That is burst can be in the form of smoke, flames, twinkles, sparks and of course with noise. There are different varieties of crackers. They include sparklers, twinkling stars, flower pots, ground chakkars, cartoons, snake tablets, color matches, color torch matches, kit kat, bijlis, chorras, etc. All these crackers blooms with many colours like blue, silver, green, yellow, red, etc.
Crackers are used as a major element in celebrating any occasion. The occasion may include all festivals of different religions, any political celebration, marriages and also for other cultural religious purposes. Especially crackers are the essential and the most widely used for enjoyment during Diwali in India and for Christmas in other foreign nations.
Available as Gift Box
The crackers which are available in the market can be bought by providing money. The fireworks can be got as whole from whole sale market. Also the crackers can be got in small boxes depending upon our requirement which is called as Gift boxes. Gift Packs are designed to fulfill the people’s enjoyment and fun. Gift Boxes are available in different rates ranging from 200 rupees to about 10,000 rupees. Above that the fireworks are got in big boxes.
Nowadays everyone has changed to the internet world even the fireworks can be got through online shopping. Traders from Sivakasi are selling their fireworks through internet. Not only the traders from Sivakasi but also from different districts of Tamilnadu. Each gift box is created for giving surprise to the people who buys it. Sivakasi is famous for this gift box sale. It is because the district of Sivakasi is famous for its fireworks. It is the district which involves in mass production of fireworks.
Special gift packs are available in online shopping by Sivakasi traders. Those include
  • Children festival fireworks
  • Youth festival fireworks
  • Thaalam festival fireworks
  • VIP festival fireworks
These gift boxes are now added recently in online. This was developed due to the great response from the buyers and also retailers.
In this gift box, there will be 24 different products and almost 100 pieces of fireworks will be present in a single box. This is mainly created for the kids to have fun and great celebration. So, it contains lots of color fountains and showers especially to attract them a lot. The fireworks also contain pictures of different superheroes and cartoons like Chota Bheem, BEN10, Spiderman, etc. This will make them to buy it with enthusiasm.
This was mainly created in order to satisfy the needs of the youngsters around everywhere. In this gift box, there are about 28 crackers that will have the associated functions for it individually. These fireworks produce more sound that will make the youth community crazy for it. These are the gift boxes which are sold to a great extent. Since these are being cracked everywhere for whatever festival being celebrated.
This festival contains nearly 40 different products in each box. For every box there are about 100 pieces of those different products. The specialty of this gift box produces different sounds of music. This can be used for all kinds of festivals. People of all age groups love to crack these fireworks into space.
VIP crackers are a combination of all types of fireworks. The different types which are coagulated are colors, sound and burst of joy. In this gift box, there are about 35 different products and it will contain more than 100 pieces in each one. They were mainly created and designed with the aim of displaying different colors in the sky.
Similarly there are different traders who are having different special gift boxes available on their website. Mostly this is done by the Sivakasi firework traders.
There are different packs for different prices. For instance if we take for Rs.750, these are the fireworks available in a gift box. They are
Electric sparklers           — 1 box
Color sparklers              — 1 box
Puppy chakkar              — 1 box
Twinkling star               — 1 box
Buffet bomb                            — 1 box
3 1/2 lakshmi cracker     — 1 box
2 1/2 kuruvi                             — 1 box
assorted cartoons           — 1 box
electric stone                  — 1 box
7″ Pencil                        — 1 box
28 chorraa                     — 1 box
Red bijili(100)                — 1 box
chota express                 — 1 box
snake tablet                    — 1 box
Roll caps                        — 1 box
judo matches                  — 1 box
super deluxe matches       — 1 box
This is the primary box sold. Almost all the types of fireworks are covered in this box. Fireworks Store also sells the Crackers Gift Box with varieties and you can buy crackers online.
If we double these products it is sold for about 900 rupees. Flower pots, Lakshmi Cracker, Chorras and Chakkars of different sizes are added to this list in that box. Each gift box contains 1 box of each type.
Similarly, there are different gift boxes available for money which is being doubled and doubled for each addition. So, depending upon the price the amount of crackers included will differ. All the giftboxes are designed for the purpose of having a enormous amount of joy.
Fireworks are the crackers which symbolizes the celebration of festival all around the world. So, such important thing can be given as in the form of giftbox by gifting. Giftboxes not only create surprises but also gives additional happiness and strong bonding among relatives.So, everyone can present giftboxes to their beloved ones to express their love and affection.

Why Should We Avoid Chinese Crackers in India

Why Should We Avoid Chinese Crackers in India

Avoid Chinese Crackers in India

Avoid Chinese Crackers India – In the recent days, trading of Chinese crackers in Indian market is banned completely. Chinese crackers are not allowed to be used by Indian people. This was the decision officially made by the Indian government in order to protect its people from the hazardous celebration. In spite of strict rules and regulations made by the Indian government, Chinese firecrackers are imported unofficially by the smugglers for sale in India. Most of the people in India are unaware about this awful happening and are pulled to buy those firecrackers. We know that most of the people of India love to have good quality products at low rates. Since the Chinese firecrackers are from China, people believe that it is of very good quality. The cheap price is the key attractive element of the prominent Chinese firecrackers. The belief of people is also considered as their advantage of selling goods in India.
Why Should We Avoid Chinese Crackers in India - Fancy Crackers

How Chinese Fireworks are made?

Chinese started to manufacture fireworks from about 2000 years ago in 202 BC. Actually, it was an accident which happened by a cook in China. Unknowingly, he mixed the Potassium nitrate and Sulfur along with some charcoal. As a result, bursts of fire came out when the mixture is compressed in a box. Potassium nitrate is a chemical which has the ability to make things burn and explode. Coming to Sulfur, it gives out spraying of fires with rotten egg smells. Charcoal has the nature of burning on lit.  This finally led to the invention of firecrackers. Then on, firecrackers are burst for different events in their own society. People believed that the fireworks have the tendency to blow off the evil spirits around them. Thereby it is also believed that unnecessary fights between the different people groups are avoided. So, they celebrated every festival with a bang of firecrackers.
After some centuries, the making methodology of Chinese firecrackers changed a little bit. What they did was is the stuffing of bamboo tubes, which they followed, and threw into the fire. The immediate consequence is the explosion of fire with bright sparks and smokes. Further generations made betterment s to the manufacturing techniques for attaining different color sparks, boom sound, shapes, smokes, etc. After the introduction of black powders in the 14th century, Chinese began to use black powder for Chinese fireworks like bombs and rockets. Black powder consists of a mixture of potassium nitrate, charcoal, and sulfur.
Why Should We Avoid Chinese Crackers in India - Garland Crackers
After the 17th century, dynamites are also used in firecrackers. Although so much had been done to the fireworks, colors were not that much bright. During the 19th century, Aluminium and magnesium were introduced which Chinese tried using in their firecrackers. But that increased only some of the brightness of the firecrackers. Chinese were not satisfied with the appearance of the sparks. Soon, the fireworks are used in various places of Europe like Germany, Italy and so on.
Other chemicals used include flash powder which contains the mixture of potassium chlorate, sulfur, and aluminum. Stars are the special type of elements which burns to provide heat and also coloring agents are included in the production of Chinese fireworks in order to provide fantasy colors into space. Sugars are also used to get smoke. Oxidizers are highly reactive compounds which contain chlorine which has the ability to readily react with copper, strontium barium, etc. The former said elements along with coloring agents and black powder are mixed and used with Chinese firecrackers. Chinese fireworks are made in a good manner for use by people at first.

Handling of fireworks

With the development of potassium chlorate by a French chemist Claude-Louis Berthollet, Chinese planned to use it in their set of firecrackers. The specialty of the chemical potassium chlorate is that it can give birth to various colors with great intensity. All over the world people started to use firecrackers by 20th century for their auspicious celebrations. In the early years of 20th century, during the independence of various nations was celebrated with fireworks. On the flip side, some thousands of people in China were also injured of firecrackers. Official permission for fireworks was given by the Federal and state governments in 1930. Around the years from 1900 to 1930, many have been exposed to severe injuries by using the toxic Chinese fireworks. People burst firecrackers on the streets, terrace and nearby public places like schools, hospitals, etc. Consequently, many died and also got injured. For the security and safety of people, the government made efforts in bringing about awareness among the society.  Hence, classification of firework products took place with three major categories. Fireworks are classified as Class A, Class B, and Class C.
Class A includes the explosives with dangerous chemicals like dynamites and TNT which are notable for being careful to handle with. Generally, these fireworks are used for Military applications. Class B includes fireworks for higher authority and professional use. For defense mechanisms and for common entertainment activities the above collections of firecrackers are used. Class C contains the set off firecrackers which are allowable for use privately. It depends on the country or state to decide on the use of fireworks. Mostly this classification is followed on a large scale. There are also cases where many states allow class A and class B for private use. But hazardous fireworks are strictly prohibited from use by the government. The most important factor in making of fireworks is safety. Even the factories of firework manufacturing are full of security in order to protect working people as well as intruders. Some of the protective coverings include electric fences, gates, and doors. Inside of factories, many precautionary items are kept for safety. Illegal selling of fireworks is also done in many places which had led to several deaths and injuries. Such a cruel activity is practiced in India by smugglers for money. Many fireworks are got at low rates from China and also sold at very low prices.

Why Chinese Crackers are Harmful and Avoided in India?

In India, especially in Tamil Nadu, manufacturing of fireworks is taking place at Sivakasi. Large amounts of fireworks are manufactured by different factories in Sivakasi and are sold all over the country. Even online booking and purchasing facility of firework products from Sivakasi is available for the customers. Sivakasi is famous for its ample variety of firecracker manufacturing and sale. But in the recent years, the sale of Sivakasi fireworks that is our Indian firework sale has fallen greatly. It was not realized at first and the government took steps to find out what was the fault.
The ultimate answer to it was the sale of Chinese fireworks which were brought illegally and sold in India. Investigations are carried out leading to complete examination of the happening. As a result of the investigation, shocking information was found out. Chinese firecrackers are made out of potassium chlorate which is highly hazardous. Chinese fireworks are mostly not wrapped in a perfect manner and hence leak possibilities are high.
Even a small spark of fire will make a blast in a second since potassium chlorate is very sensitive in nature. Potassium chlorate is very low in cost for about 50 rupees per kg. Due to low cost, potassium chlorate is vastly used in Chinese firecrackers. For marketing firework products, low price thus becomes an easy trick for smugglers to grab customers. Innocent people don’t know the seriousness of the chemical and are buying it regularly.
The Central government on knowing the facts of Chinese Firecrackers banned it in India in 2014. But secret plans and smuggling activities are taking place in many places in India. Due to which Chinese fireworks are bought at low cost by the people from illegal sellers. As a consequence, original Indian firecrackers are not marketed goodly among the populace. Last year, even though it was Diwali time, Sivakasi firework sales were not so good. Loss of about 2500 crores was estimated after the account of Diwali. It was a major breakdown for all the industries in Sivakasi. At the same time, there was an abundant heap of fireworks sold all around India. It was really a terrible happening and a great degradation of the economy of India.

How to Avoid Chinese Crackers India?

As a good citizen of India, one should know to differentiate between our Indian product and Chinese firework product. Indian Product will have the manufacturer name with complete address. Also, the product cost of India is costlier than Chinese. Indian people try to buy goods at low prices. The government is taking necessary steps in avoiding Chinese crackers in India by periodic checking and investigating import and export products. Trading is an important activity of India in increasing the wealth of the nation. But the major drawback is the lack of surveillance and security management in some areas of India. The illegal criminals find their way through those loopholes for their business.
The government has seriously engaged itself in prohibiting the offensive action. Recently, the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence and Customs department have got a huge bulk of illegal imports to India. At the end of the checking, it was found to be imported from China. In spite of banning Chinese fireworks, the quantity seized was very excessive than got during the last year. It was completely shocking for the officials of Customs department as well as for the citizens of India. Although the government is taking steps in its own way, we need to be careful with our own safety. Smugglers are increasing day by day, so it is our duty to be cautious in buying products.
In order to create awareness, several videos, and pictures of the effect of Chinese crackers has also been released. An easy way of finding the difference through the naked eye is with the burst. Chinese fireworks bang faster and with a louder sound than our Indian fireworks. That is because of the toxic perchlorates and potassium chlorate used which is banned in India. Every year hundreds of people die due to the burst of fireworks and hence various laws were formulated for the use of fireworks. Low cost, the big bang, and product manufacturer are the evidence of Chinese fireworks. Try to avoid using Chinese fireworks because it has killed thousands of people. Toxic materials used in those fireworks are high in amount. If you find any Chinese product try to avoid it and choose Indian product at any cause for wonderful celebration. Choose Indian fireworks for having a fun filled experience and an awesome celebration.

Exclusive Online Fireworks Store Chennai India

Exclusive Online Fireworks Store Chennai India

Online Fireworks Store India

vedishop is now Fireworks Store India hassle free online Fireworks Store to buy crackers Online.
Fireworks Store India is an exclusive and extraordinary feature possessing fireworks store online. Fireworks Store India marks to be one of the best online fireworks stores in Tamil Nadu. A complete package of astonishing fireworks of various categories is available with our Vedishop fireworks store. Fireworks Store India is one of the famous fireworks stores which has links with the major and the most popular fireworks manufacturing industries. Vedishop online fireworks store avail wholesale and retail fireworks shopping with more easy steps. Cash on delivery and online payments are afforded to our customers for ease of access. Enter into our world of fireworks to experience a remarkable shopping.
Fireworks are made to explode into beautiful colors on the sky. The boom of fireworks with crackling sound gives real joy and happiness of using. Fireworks are of numerous types and are made with explosive chemicals and colors. Fireworks are fun filled products to burst and, on the other hand, are also equally risk to use. Hundreds of fireworks are manufactured on a daily scale. Fireworks Store India is an online fireworks store operating to serve people with finest quality and quantity based fireworks. Vedishop aims at providing good quality firecrackers for 24×7 hours all round the year.

Fireworks for Occasions

Fireworks act as an important and happiness creating elements in a function. There are varieties of fireworks available with Vedishop respective to the function. Festival celebrations are incomplete without the burst sound of crackers. Each festival has its unique importance. Vedishop comes up with all kinds of festive celebrations and also with other relational celebrations. Every firecracker is worthy bursting for any kind of function in the home as well as outside. Almost all the varieties of crackers are filled in separate boxes. Customer satisfaction is an important criterion which Fireworks Store India considers being very important.
Fireworks for different occasions are listed below.


Diwali, a grand festival of Hindu populace, is known to be the festival of lights all over the world. Fireworks are the main ingredients in proceeding with the event of the occasion. Everyone bind together during this festive time to share their celebration with their buddies. Fireworks are manufactured and sold on a large scale during Diwali. During this festival season, separate petty stores will be laid all over the city roads for sale due to its huge demand. Mostly the rates will also tend to be high comparatively.
Fireworks Store India will surely be a compatible online store for getting fireworks on your home door during Diwali time. Vedishop offers you with multiple facilities for availing fireworks. No need to worry about getting into the crowd for buying crackers. Buying fireworks online are made possible with Fireworks Store India – an exclusive online fireworks store.  Other than Diwali, many other festivals of various religions and customs celebrate their festivals with fireworks. Vedishop has fireworks available for all the day round the year. For Diwali alone, there are the additional set of boxes which are exclusive and newly arrived firework products.


Birthday is a very important day for any individual. Fireworks play an important role in birthdays also. Everyone loves to celebrate birthdays with fun all around. Fireworks add an extra beauty to the occasion. People of great popularity prefer to celebrate a birthday with big blockbusters. Vedishop is an ultimate destination for buying your favorite set of fireworks at affordable rates. Immediate response and customer service are an additional advantage with our Vedishop – an exclusive online fireworks store. In many areas of Tamil Nadu, especially, fireworks are burst for even death funerals. That is done as a tradition in order to send the soul of the dead person with happiness. Both the birthdays and death days are determined only by god. So, there are chances for firework demand in such cases. But No worries! Here is our Vedishop which helps you to buy your products from your home itself.


Marriage is one of the historical occasions in a family. Everyone connected with the marriage will be in great joy with new clothing, jewelry and lot more purchases which occurs before the marriage function. One of the most important purchases included in marriage is fireworks. Fireworks are exploded into the sky with mind blowing colors during the chariot round and also when the bride and bridegroom arrive at the marriage hall.
At sometimes there might be no stock of fireworks as per your need. But that will be not the case with Vedishop when it comes to fireworks. The fireworks store – Vedishop  Fireworks Store India has the best quality fireworks available exclusively for all the year. Vedishop offers you with the firework products as a package for marriages separately. There is no need for you to move to firework store for checking of the orders. Every purchase will be at your doorstep within 2 days of your order.

Temple Festivities

Numerous temples with crores of devotees are residing at Tamil Nadu. The frequent occurrence of festivities in temples is a common thing found in most of the areas. In the southern part of Tamil Nadu like Madurai, Tirunelveli the festival will prolong even for one month also. Every day the idol of god will be brought around for processions. When the god idol steps out from the temple for the procession, explodes of fireworks take place. During that time, the demand for fireworks is very large. The black sky will begin to glow with colors during those days of the festival. Fireworks Store India will offer fireworks exclusively for each festival with best customer service immediately. Fireworks Store India is one of the finest online fireworks stores and stands surely to be the best choice of purchase.

Public Celebrations

Apart from festive celebrations, public parties will be arranged by politicians and other celebrities occasionally. When the popular faces arrive at the occasion fireworks will be burst with all fun. Fireworks are even available for such celebrations as a discrete package in Vedishop.com. Anytime from anywhere, you can place the order in Fireworks Store India which is an exclusive online fireworks store. You will be acknowledged instantaneously.
There are lots of unique festivals and events which occur periodically over time to time. Whatever may be the difference in festivals the main aim is enjoyment. Fireworks are the providers of enlightened happiness. Fireworks range from small to big and also vary depending on the users’ choice. Vedishop provides you all the advantages of online booking and payment. Fireworks Store India is an exclusive online fireworks store for serving people on demand.

Popular Kinds of Fireworks

Fireworks are the major elements of the celebration of any event. Fireworks are several varieties each with individual features. There are fireworks which can burst, twinkle, create smokes and sounds. Every firework is special in its own way. Here are some of the commonly used fireworks available in the market.


Chakras are the round wheel-like structures with an explosive wound around the wheel in a paper. When the Chakra is lighted it will rotate with fires in a circle. There are different sizes of Chakras available in Fireworks Store India. Fireworks can be ordered both in bulk and as individual boxes.

Flower Pots

Flower pots are the cone-like structures having explosives inside. When the firework is lighted, the sparks goes up like a volcano. The scene will be delightful to watch directly. Flower pots are made in various sizes and also with different features. The features include colors, shapes, size and so forth options.

Fireworks Store India – Sparklers

Sparklers are long metal sticks with explosive chemical coating around it. Sparklers also vary with size, colors, sounds, crackling, etc. Children love to crack this firework called sparklers due to its amazing look. Best quality fireworks and sparkling crackers are available in Vedishop firework store online.


Bombs are the favorite fireworks of boys especially. The booming sound of the bombs makes way for a new start announcement to the crowd. Atom bombs are the famous ones. Atom bombs are also available with different sizes. Double sound bombs are also made nowadays. Fireworks Store India online fireworks store makes all kinds of bombs available for customers.


Blockbusters are the best of the whole fireworks family. Fireworks Store India affords the best of the best blockbusters for the customers. Even the names can be displayed on a burst of blockbusters. It will be really a good choice during marriages. Blockbuster fireworks of various designs are present in low prices online with good quality.

Rainbow Fogs

Fireworks creating smokes is a unique variety made for fun. Rainbow fog is a peculiar type of firework which creates smokes along with fire with little buzzing sound. Vedishop brings about all the rainbow colors on bursting. This particular firecracker is really amazing to look at with the beautiful colors. Along with this, snake tablets are also available which will grow into black snake-like ash on bursting.

One Sound / Two Sound

Firecrackers types are there which produces sound alone. One such kind is the one sound cracker or two sound fireworks which on lighting give single or double sound. It is a usual sound making firework commonly found in firework stores. Fireworks Store India has this variety of firework in different sizes with the best quality.

Garlands (Wala or Saram)

Garlands are the core cracker in celebration. It creates a loud sound continuously. Garland is called as saravedi or saram in Tamil. Small firework pieces called bijlis are joined together to make sarams. Saram is sold as 5000 wala, 10000 wala, etc. Garlands of all categories are made available for the customers at low rates in our online fireworks store. Garlands are also called as cakes since they are bind like cakes.
Exclusive Online Fireworks Store Chennai India


Rocket is one type of firework which takes off high into the sky when lighted. Usually, rockets will be kept in some stand and fired at the bottom. It goes all the way up to the top and bursts. It will lovely to watch it flying. Rockets of several kinds and with stickers are available at our online fireworks selling store at affordable prices.

Fancy Fireworks

Fancy fireworks are specially made for kids who love cartoons. Cartoons like Chota Bheem, Dora, Tom & Jerry, Ben10 and so forth kinds are very famous among children. In normal one sound and two sound fireworks, cartoon stickers are pasted for attraction by the small kids. Fancy fireworks are nice to burst and are somewhat safe for small children. Fireworks Store India sells small sets of fancy fireworks for sale through online bookings.

Gift Boxes

Gift Boxes are a new type of firework set released by Fireworks Store India fireworks store for user-friendly shopping. When we make big surprises in small boxes, it will be really amazing and mind blogging. We present different sets of boxes individually for multiple cases. Boxes vary according to the rates you choose to buy. Firework boxes are similar to a sweet stall shopping where you get a single box with a different variety of sweets. Fireworks which when got through online are even more comfortable for the customers. vedishop Fireworks Store India is one such website of firework store with diverse features and fireworks with amazing offers for sale.

Fireworks for Different Kinds of People

vedishop Fireworks Store India provides ample amount of fireworks for sale readily at surprising offers. Cracker Boxes are available separately for each category with good prices. Don’t miss the opportunity to grab the best firework products on sale online. Offers are available only for limited periods. Here is a list of firework boxes for distinct categories of people.

Kids Box

Children are the most prominent users of fireworks on a big amount. They love to burst crackers with all fun. In our Vedishop fireworks store, crackers, especially for kids, are packed with stickers and gifts inside. Within the box, less harm fireworks like sparklers, flower pots, smoke producing crackers are kept. Minimum of two boxes of each cracker is kept in a single box. The price of kid firework box starts from 250 rupees and extends to some thousands. More the cost more will be the number of crackers in the firework box. Apart from which there will be a separate section in our menu for kids to choose the individual cracker you want to buy.

Youngsters Pack

Young blood of our nation is too enthusiastic and fun loving guys. Garlands and bombs are some of the highlighted liking’s of youngsters. Mostly sound making fireworks are loved by such people. A separate package of such sound producing fireworks are put into youngster box. This is to identify and distinguish with your lovable firecrackers for buying. Vedishop presents all the boxes at admirable rates. Also, individual selecting of fireworks can also be done as per youngster choice in independent columns provided.

Adult’s Pack

Distinct packages are available for people those who fall under the adult category. When age increases with the running years, the thinking of people and their respective behavior also changes accordingly. This happens even with crackers. Most of the adult people ranging between the years of 40 and above nowadays forget about bursting of fireworks. Days changed people and for those people, we have special kits of crackers to burst with great enjoyment. Fireworks Store India aims to satisfy all age group people belonging to different family generations.

Celebrity Box

Celebrity box is a huge pack of crackers with many fireworks inside. These boxes will be large enough to store more amounts of fireworks. Here there will be crackers of very high rates and will account for some thousands of money value. Celebrity functions including political functions, public parties can be arranged with our Fireworks Store India products. Specifically, if you want to search for firecrackers also, you can do it with our Fireworks Store India online firework store. First, come will be first served in any case but here with Fireworks Store India the mannerism is totally distinctive and user-friendly.
Using the advancement in technology, Fireworks Store India can also be accessed easily with the normal mobile phones for booking orders. The smooth flow of the process is executed for customer satisfaction. User-friendly operation accompanied with best customer service is our motto in every campaign. Interesting and unbelievable offers are waiting for your sight. Vedishop online firework store will act as a best shopping companion site during your hard times. Fireworks Store India offers high discounts during festive seasons for fast approaching customers. Also, depending on your choice of cracker, the discounts, and other value-added offers are given. Also, special offer for regular customers is one of the major highlights of the firework store. More you approach the more you will get benefited. Visit more to receive more from.

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new arrivals for this Diwali - Garland Crackers aka Wala Crackers

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Wednesday, 5 October 2016

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